Category: Food and Beverage Services
HealthyYOU Vending Promotes Healthy Snacking and Meal Choices — The Food You Choose Makes A Difference
Healthy drink options, like those provided by HealthyYOU Vending, provide a healthy alternative in the wake of Seattle's increased tax on regular sugar-sweetened beverages
As corporate wellness programs gain in popularity, healthy vending is fast becoming an option more and more companies are incorporating.
Observed the last week of April each year, Every Kid Healthy Week supports the efforts of school partners, like HealthyYOU Vending, who work to improve the health and wellness of their students

Studies show that smart, healthy snacking is critical to maintaining energy, improving mood and increasing productivity. HealthyYOU Vending provides convenient access to a variety of healthy snack options.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. The American Heart Association and HealthyYOU Vending are dedicated to raising awareness about this preventtable disease.

FitPick standards are growing in demand among vending machines and micro markets, especially in government facilities such as military bases. HealthyYOU Vending is poised to facilitate the rapid growth of the health-conscious vending market.